Articles by keyword «unemployment»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Проблемы российской занятости населения

№ 12 December 2013

Безработица и ее состояние в Ульяновской области

№ 3 March 2015

Проблемы повышения качества жизни населения России в условиях кризиса

№ 8 August 2016

Занятость населения

№ 11 November 2016

Влияние образования на уровень безработицы в России

№ 3 March 2017

Эконометрическая модель зависимости рабочей силы от количества предприятий

№ 4 April 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Panishchenko M.I. Analysis of the state of unemployment in the Primorsky Territory and ways of reducing its level

April, 2013

Kandakova A.A. Statistical analysis of problems of formation of workforce in developed countries

December, 2013

Faizullina A.M., Rabtsevich A.A. Models of labour markets of China and Germany: a comparative analysis

March, 2015

Uchaeva T.V., Zheludkova A.A. Employment and unemployment in the Penza region. Ways of solving

April, 2015

Zinovjev I.F. Social and demographics components of russian's intellectual safety

October, 2015

Yakimenko M.V., Zhertovskaya E.V., Egorova O.I. Overview of the current status and trends of the labor market in the region (on example of Rostov region)

December, 2015

Tavbulatova Z.K., Bulueva L.A. Small businesses North Caucasus Federal district: the state and problems of business in modern conditions

June, 2016

Krivorotko I.A., Torosyan A.A. Analysis of factors and development of human capital in Russia and the leading countries

June, 2016

Israilova Z.R., Atamazova A.A. Unemployment in Russia

July, 2016

Israilova Z.R., Atamazova A.A. Economic nature of unemployment

July, 2016

Goncharova E.S., Kolesnik V.S. The problem of population employment in the Russian Federation

March, 2017

Korolev A.A. Unemployment in Russia and methods of struggle with it

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Porubova P.V., Raizman E.M., Shigaeva N.V. The Phillips curve in assesing the realities of unemployment in Russia

June, 2014

Kazantseva M.V., Oleshkevich N.A. Unemployment as a social phenomenon: problems and solutions

June, 2014

Salnikova I.N., Koreva O.V., Moskina E.Y. Statistical analysis of the workforce of the Russian Federation at the modern stage

April, 2015

Vozmilkina E.N. Unemployment among youth as an urgent problem modern russian society

November, 2015

Bashkirova V.E. Employment and unemployment. Causes. The methods of struggle

February, 2016

Buryak V.V. Artificial Intelligence for the Digital Economy of Russia

December, 2018

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Takaeva A.R. Social technologies work with unemployed youth

July, 2016