Articles by keyword «information technology»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Молодой специалист в сфере информационных технологий на рынке труда: представления и пожелания

№ 10 October 2013

Использование информационных технологий в системе социальной работы с детьми - инвалидами

№ 4 April 2015

Информационная поддержка в фитнес индустрии

№ 5 May 2015

IT – как способ повышения эффективности управления бизнес-процессами в экономической сфере организаций

№ 2 February 2016

Совершенствование бизнес-архитектуры малого предприятиястроительной отрасли

№ 6 June 2016

Оценка эффективности внедрения системы электронного документооборота в культурно развлекательном центре

№ 9 September 2016

Информатика как отрасль экономики

№ 12 December 2016

Информационные технологии как фактор развития инновационных компаний

№ 1 January 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Golubev O.B., Nikiforov O.Y. Network information technologies as the basis new educational paradigm in the system of pedagogical university – schools

November, 2012

Vedernikova K.V. Choosing a solution to automate the procurement of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VSUES)

June, 2014

Bocharova K.N., Lobanova E.M., Lavrushina E.G. Information technology in the implementation of the tourism product in the sports - health services

October, 2014

Napolskih I.S. Building a culture of tourism based on information technology

October, 2014

Ovsyannikova G.L., Vedernikova K.V. Analysis of procurement activities in high school

November, 2014

Kaurova E.A. Information technology in the service of tourism

January, 2015

Oluchova V.V. The use of information systems to meet the challenges of school management

February, 2015

Meirbekov D.K. Business Process Reengineering in an organization

March, 2015

Zemtsova A.V., Ivanova T.V., Sheven L.N. The role of the "cloud computing" in logistics activities

April, 2015

Kovaleva E.S. The Use of IT for the conservation and presentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage in museums

May, 2015

Demin V.V. The use of information resources in the organization of mass events

June, 2015

Udalova I.B., Kirillova K.V., Osipenko N.N. On the importance of information technology in the implementation of current research in the field of marketing

November, 2015

Martirosyan L.A., Musabaeva A.K. Information technology in education

January, 2016

Abdumajidov A.A. Features contemporary finnish education

April, 2016

Gromov K.S. Development of information technology for identification property

April, 2016

Kareva N.V., Zaberzhinsky B.E. The main problems of the domestic market growth of IT services

April, 2016

Sokolov M.D., Nosov N.Y. Expert systems

May, 2016

Goltsova P.A., Loeva Y.A. The concept and aspects of the development of social computing in modern society

July, 2016

Gruzdeva L.M. The experience of using the online version of the system "Identikit" in training specialists legal profile

August, 2016

Komissarov I.P., Guseva E.N. Development project of creation and launch of automatic trading systems

October, 2016

Anisimov V.N. The goals and activities of settlement centers of housing and communal services

October, 2016

Kovaleva I.V. Develop of exercises on the topic "Neural networks" using the resource

January, 2017

Gromov K.S. Identification systems implemented with the help of cloud technologies

January, 2017

Kuvaytsev A.V., Mukminov R.R. The influences of Internet on the person

March, 2017

Kuvaytsev A.V., Mukminov R.R. Information technology and education

July, 2017

Mullajonov B.A., Mamirov H.H. Modern technologies in automation systems

May, 2020

Mullajonov B.A., Mamirov H.H. Methods of graphic and mathematical design of engineering objects

June, 2020

Glushchenko V.V. Information technologies for analyzing employee loyalty in organizations

April, 2021

Yolov M., Abdyyev D. Computer programs in teaching foreign languages

December, 2023

Myradova G. Development of terms related to the digital system in the Turkmen language

February, 2024

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Artemova J.Y. The introduction of information and communication technologies in the classroom "garment construction as a means of forming" cognitive self-reliant, skills to work with information sources and the personality of the «information society»

May, 2013

Melnikova J.A. Use of information resources for professional development in the field of hairdressing

October, 2014

Lishchenko A.V., Dedyulina M.A. Modern problems of computer ethics

December, 2014

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Kuzmenko O.V., Bazhenov R.I. Use of distance education «Teleschool» in the organization of blended learning in teaching the basic subject "Informatics and ICT"

November, 2014

Bolotov A.V. Application of information technologies in psychology

June, 2015

Shilyagina A.M. Using of multimedia set rinel-lingo in teaching of a foreign language

November, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Kosnyreva L.V. The creative component in the study information technology for the humanities

March, 2015


March, 2015

Guzov V.V. The use of modern information technology in organizing individual trips to China

April, 2015

Ignatyeva A.E., Nazarova D.D., Khayrutdenova D.R., Sheludchenko A.Y. Automation and informatization of management of the documents at the modern stage of development

November, 2015

Shagieva A.K. Developing adaptation module «Adaptive Information Technologies»

January, 2016

Vinokurov A.S., Bazhenov R.I. Development of cross-platform mobile application in RAD Studio XE8

February, 2017

Askerova L.F. iPhone data protection

June, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kirichek K.A. Preparing technicians builders in information technology

February, 2015

Kanchurina N.H. Profession of documentology in modern society

November, 2016

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Обоснование разработки программного модуля транспортировки данных между системами «1С:автосалон» и «1С:бухгалтерия»

November, 2013