Epranosian Anzhelika Agasievna
Kuban State University
Student of 1 course of magistracy, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economic Analysis, Statistics and Finance

The article describes the theoretical description of the concept of corporate lending and its principles, presents the current state of the corporate lending market in Russia, by analyzing the dynamics of lending volumes, industry specifics and the quality of the corporate loan portfolio of Russian commercial banks. Particular attention is paid to the forecasts and directions of development and improvement of the segment of corporate lending in the banking system of modern Russia. theoretical description of the concept of corporate lending and its principles, presents the current state of the corporate lending market in Russia, by analyzing the dynamics of lending volumes, industry specifics and the quality of the corporate loan portfolio of Russian commercial banks. Particular attention is paid to the forecasts and directions of development and improvement of the segment of corporate lending in the banking system of modern Russia.

Article reference:
Features of the Russian corporate lending market // Economics and innovations management. 2017. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://ekonomika.snauka.ru/en/2017/03/14206

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