Articles by keyword «туристские услуги»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Современное состояние российского рынка туристских услуг

№ 10 October 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Lebedeva T.E., Mozgaleva M.A. Marketing research of life of travel agencies in times of crisis

May, 2015

Shmeleva A.N., Butenko Y.A., Umnova M.G. Development of methodical recommendations about improvement of quality of the tourist services provided in subjects of the Russian Federation and an assessment of efficiency of activity of subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of tourism

May, 2015

Rodionova D.N. The stages of tourist services life cycle and marketing measures, which contribute to increase it

February, 2016

Bogdanov D.Y. Touristic agencies as mediators in the system of promotion of tourist services

March, 2016

Prishchepa Y.V. Tendencies of development of tourist services of the Republic in the contemporary social and economic conditions

September, 2016

Ugrjumova S.V., Pershina N.V. Special aspects of manufacturing the touristic product in modern conditions

November, 2016

Zubareva N.A., Lebedeva T. Spain: preferences russian tourists

December, 2016

Сезонность туристского рынка и методы противостояния ей

December, 2019