Articles by keyword «сотрудничество»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Российско-китайское партнерство в сфере разработки природных ресурсов

№ 7 July 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Vladimirova S.N. Collaboration – salvation or betrayal

May, 2015

Rychkova M.A. Creative interaction of the teacher and the students on the lessons of Russian language and literature

September, 2015

Kharitonova S.V., Skvortsova M.L., Slobozhankina L.R. Сross-cultural competence in the international cooperation

October, 2015

Kurbatova A.S., Dementieva K.A. Social adaptation: unity and contradiction of influence of family and school

December, 2015

Grigorieva V.A., Pobirchenko V.V. SCO cooperation: prospects of interaction

December, 2015

Danilina M.V., Bagratuni K.Y., Litvinov A.N. European Union: cooperation with the Council of Europe and Russia

April, 2016

Zorina E.A., Ageeva L.G. The influence of the type of accentuated character to the style of behavior in conflict situations of students-psychologists

December, 2016

Polyakova T.V., Erzamaeva E.V., Spitsyna N.A. The interaction of business and government as a factor of social and economic development of the region

December, 2016

Polyakova T.V. On the question of cooperation of educational institutions of higher education with businesses

March, 2017

Реализация программы Калужское общество «Информационное общество» и введение инноваций для повышения качества оказания государственных и муниципальных услуг в МФЦ «Мои документы»

June, 2017

Кремниевая долина как один из векторов развития мировой экономики

September, 2017

Сотрудничество Республики Узбекистан и ШОС в борьбе с религиозным экстремизмом и международным терроризмом

February, 2018

Коучинг, его зарождение, развитие и внедрение

February, 2018

Коммуникативные особенности младших школьников цифрового поколения

November, 2018

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Mihnev V.I. System of interaction of parents and teaching staff of the art department MBOU DOD DTDM Rostov-on-Don

December, 2013

Pozdnyakov K.Y. Integration processes in the development of world crises

July, 2014

Boyko O.Y., Demchenko T.A., Istratova O.N., Koshel A.I. The peer interactions in a situation of family trouble in preschool and young school ages

December, 2015

Fedorova A.V. The features of the cultural cooperation of Yakutia and France in the format of Russian-French relations

February, 2017

Проблема международного терроризма

May, 2017

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Shashkova A.V. European Politics’ Influence on Changes in Russian Legislation concerning Fighting Corruption

August, 2015

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Zimulina G.D. Interactive technologies as a way of development of communicative competence of students

December, 2014

Lobanova A.V. Forming schoolchildren's ecological self-awareness

March, 2017