Articles by keyword «продукт»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Маркетинговая составляющая оптимизации конкурентной стратегии фирмы

№ 6 June 2016

Разработка конкурентной маркетинговой стратегии организации

№ 3 December 2021

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Musatova T.E., Kiritova Y.V. Feasibility of using economic and mathematical modeling in strategic business

March, 2015

Krasnov N.V. Management of projects on an example of group of companies Bosch

March, 2016

Vinokurova V.A. Development trends of the Russian food retail: challenges and strategic choices of business models

February, 2017

Моделирование потребительского поведения

August, 2018

Разработка компании продвижения продукта на рынок

May, 2021

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Nesterenko M.A. Ways of introduction of innovations in Russia

January, 2016

Trofimova A.M. Complexities of development of the branch markets

April, 2016

Stavropolsky Y.V. Federal intervention into the regulation of drugs' circulation in the United States

March, 2017