Mazilov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich1, Kremin Aleksandr Evgenevich2
1Federal State Budget Institution of Science Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Economics
2Federal State Budget Institution of Science Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of Russian Academy of Sciences, research engineer

The article discusses the direction of development of entrepreneurship’s human resources. Highlight four blocks of activities: the formation of a positive image of the entrepreneur, the development of educational training of human resource of small business, providing small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises with qualified personnel, the establishment of the Youth and Innovation Research Centre. The detailed description of each of them is made.

Keywords: approaches and tools, entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneurship, human resources, potential

Article reference:
Directions of development of human resources of entrepreneurship // Economics and innovations management. 2016. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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