Yamilov Ramil Mogatovich
Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Federal STATE budgetary educational institution of higher professional education of the Izhevsk state technical University of a name of M. T. Kalashnikov
Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Economic Sciences and Humanities"

Considered the speed in the economy. The classification of speed in the economy. Shows a general formula of speed in the economy and timecapacity. The possibility of constructing temporal economic analysis.

Keywords: speed, speed economic entity, temporal coherence, temporal convergence, the condition, the speed of the external environment, the speed of the internal environment, the temporal remembet economic analysis. time

Article reference:
Temporal economy: the speed of economic research // Economics and innovations management. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://ekonomika.snauka.ru/en/2015/09/9787

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