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Zaguzina Ekaterina Gennadievna
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "The Buryat State University"
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "The Buryat State University"
Creation of a specialized information system requires a deep study of the mechanism of the preseed public authority. However, using the methodology of analysis of business processes, solve the problem of constructing a functional model that reflects the specifics of the executive authority. In addition, the use of a systematic approach in addressing the linkages of the object with the environment, provides knowledge about the boundaries of the object of automation and isolates it from the processes that are not within its competence. The final stage of designing an information system is to create a conceptual data model by which outlines key components and communication systems. Design model is the basis for the development of an information system. Qualitative model that adequately reflects the essence of the activities of the object information, is the key to the success of implemented system.
Keywords: information system
Article reference:
Designing specialized information system of state institutions // Economics and innovations management. 2015. № 4. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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