Yamilov Ramil Mogatovich
Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Federal STATE budgetary educational institution of higher professional education of the Izhevsk state technical University of a name of M. T. Kalashnikov
Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of Economic Sciences and Humanities"

Analyzes the economic condition and legal capacity of the Far East, we consider two variants of development of the Far East, analyzed the migration of the population of the Far East as the effect of a liberal economy, proved the impossibility of entering Russia and the Far East in the Asia Pacific region on an equal footing, the regularities of the evolution of the state vector "South-North", as well as the rotation of the economy of the Far East to the European part of Russia.

Keywords: "severitate" Far East, Asia Pacific, far East, limited autarky, migration, the fishing industry, the sovereignty of the Far East

Article reference:
Variance analysis of the development of the Russian Far East // Economics and innovations management. 2014. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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One comment to “Variance analysis of the development of the Russian Far East”

  1. 16.04.2015 at 15:44

    Доступное описание. Однако, я предпочитаю основывать свое мнение на свежей новостной информации, например из industrialtimes

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