Kildeev Ruslan Haidarovich
Penza State University
graduate student of chair Management

The current state of development is characterized by uneven and unbalanced, asymmetric development of areas of social service of the population that leads to deformation of reproduction of these services and, as a result, uneven demand and the offer on them in the concrete regional market, having negative impact on possibilities of service of the population. Such situation finds reflection in decrease in availability of services or their existence for socially unprotected, needy groups of the population, in reduction of quantity of objects of the social sphere.

For increase of a role of modern science in development and correction of social policy of the state on the scale of all society and local societies it is necessary to reveal and compare features of social development of regions.
Sharp recession of agricultural production for the last decade led to changes of the organizational and economic mechanism of development of social infrastructure and engineering infrastructure of the village, there was a decrease in availability to country people of educational, medical, cultural and trade and household services, village lag from the city on level and activity conditions increased. Between the last population censuses the village in the Penza region lost 4% of settlements.
Lag of villagers from city and is noticeable by level of the income which averaged for 2008 of 3878 rubles that is lower than the size of a living wage across the Penza region for 448 rubles.
The situation which has developed in the village in social infrastructure interferes with formation of social and economic conditions of a sustainable development of rural territories and agro-industrial complex.

Keywords: economic policy, level of the income, market transformations, production structure, providing population, social sphere

Article reference:
Current state of the social sphere in the Penza region // Economics and innovations management. 2013. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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