Articles by keyword «innovative development»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Венчурное финансирование инновационного развития Российской Федерации: проблемы и перспективы

№ 9 September 2013

Инновационное развитие регионов Южного федерального округа

№ 2 February 2015

Формирование высоко диверсифицированной инновационной экономики России: системный подход

№ 2 February 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Garifullin R.F. The role of innovative strategies for capacity development machine building companies of the Republic Tatarstan

February, 2012

Ivanova A.S., Sheven L.N. Intellectualization as the main direction of innovative development of transport infrastructure

April, 2014

Svetlana A.I. The main problems of innovative development of Russia (comparative analysis)

April, 2014

Kotelnikov A.V., Sheven L.N. Innovation as a reserve of economic growth Smolensk region

November, 2014

Bornin A.I., Sheven L.N. Logistics of public procurement as a factor of innovative development of Russia

November, 2015

Kochieva A.K., Gezha S.S. Problems of innovative development of telecommunications industry in Russia

April, 2016

Leonova Y.V. Innovative strategy of the development of the Russian Federation energy sector: reasons and necessity

May, 2016

Tkach Y.K. Innovation policy priorities in Russia: retrospective analysis and modern priorities

August, 2016

Shavlyuk M.V. The role of regions in the innovative development of Russia

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Sundeeva M.O., Tatarenko M.A. Employment of graduates as an indicator of Russia's integration into the European educational space

April, 2016

Ravnyansky A.K. Analysis of institutional and conceptual development of the innovation environment Russia

January, 2017