Articles by keyword «город»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

К вопросу об инновационности российских регионов и городов

№ 3 March 2016

Совершенствование системы управления транспортным хозяйством города Тверь

№ 5 May 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Belaya Y.N. Ecological and economic assessment organize preschool educational institutions in terms of urbanization

December, 2013

Belaya E.N. Development planning of urban areas with socio-economic risks

September, 2014

Belaya E.N. Strategic management of educational facilities as a factor of socio-economic development of the region

September, 2014

Veselova M.N. The Problem of Contravention of Spatial Zones in the Urban Conditions

March, 2015

Makeev V.A. The functioning and development of a large city: the sustainability challenge

June, 2015

Andriyash V.I., Yevtushenko A.N. The evolution of rural and urban governance in the Russian Empire in the context of decentralization of state-legal mechanism of the autocracy (the second half XІH - the beginning of XX century)

February, 2016

Экология в наши дни: защита города от вредоносных веществ

December, 2017

Художественное своеобразие повести «Невский проспект»

January, 2019

Природно-территориальные условия размещения и развития городских ландшафтов на территории Приволжской лесостепи

December, 2019

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Valitov A.A.

May, 2012

Nikitenko I.S. Social and psychological needs of the residents of the Russian province

October, 2013

Nikitenko I.S. Social and psychological characteristics of the relationship to the other residents of small towns and rural settlements due to spatial environmental factors

November, 2013

Dresvyanskiy D.V., Krapivkina O.A. Etymology of the names of american cities

February, 2014

Shkurko T.A., Nikitenko I.S. Socio-psychological characteristics of relations to other people and to different ethnic groups of residents of the Russian hinterland

October, 2014

Pushkareva V.V. The integration of cyberspace and modern city

August, 2015

Filippova T.A., Frolova G.S. The role of small and medium business in the development of the city

September, 2015

Tomilov I.S., Darya F.Y. Tradition and modernization in the sphere of leisure of the townspeople of Tobolsk province in the second half of XIX – early XX centuries

October, 2016

Tomilov I.S., Darya F.Y. Visits by representatives of the Romanov dynasty as a traditional culture of the cities of the Tobolsk province in the second half of the XIX century

October, 2016

Скифы европейские: сколоты

May, 2017

Articles in journal «Philology and Literature»

Potevsky N.A. Topology of commissioner Maigret’s way in the novel «Maigret and the man on the bench» by G. Simenon

October, 2013

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Tomilov I.S. Urban governance in Western Siberia in first quarter of the XIX century

December, 2014

Tomilov I.S. Features of urban governance in Western Siberia in the middle of the XIX century

January, 2015

Tomilov I.S. The social composition of the population of the cities of Tobolsk province in the second half of the XIX centuries

June, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Glagolev V.A., Sobol C.A. Development of the automated information system of the accounting of fires and their suppression

June, 2014