Articles by keyword «gender»

Articles in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Проблематика развития фондовых рынков стран с различными гендерными характеристиками

№ 12 December 2013

Гендерные аспекты менеджмента

№ 3 March 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Erokhin I.U., Arzhanova I.O. On the question of role of women and gender studies in the study of the state concept of the Cossacks

October, 2014

Trukhmanova E.N., Yashina K.O. Development of gender studies in foreign psychology

April, 2015

Poliakova M.K. The time perspective as a predictor of formation the generative. The gender dimension

September, 2015

Volkova A.A. The representation of age and gender features of the concept of beauty in English-language cosmetic adverts

December, 2015

Pyatiletovа L.V., Orlov Е.S. The nature of the male identity as the condition of gender inequality: the issue of inescapable sexism

July, 2016

Анималистический и бестиарный аспекты образа кота / кошки в лирике А.А. Ахматовой

May, 2017

Три волны феминизма как три отличающиеся друг от друга способа постановки вопроса о гендерном неравенстве

December, 2017

Гендерные особенности профессионального выгорания персонала и их профилактика

July, 2023

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Sushkova J.G. The phenomenon of vertical segregation as one of the gender barriers facing women leaders

December, 2014

Feraru G.S., Sushkova J.G. The gender dimension of conflict of staff in the team

January, 2015

Prokudina O.O. Gender aspects of interpersonal conflicts

July, 2016

Tomashevskaya I.V., Lidyaeva T.I. Gender peculiarities of the literary translation. (On the basis of translations of Joan Rowling’s novel “Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone” by Mariya Spivak and Igor Oransky)

September, 2016

Huseynli E.S.o. Extralinguistic determinancy of the self-nomination on the Internet

April, 2017

Sitnikova L.R., Zvorygina N.N. The development of the imagination and originality of thinking among boys and girls of preschool age

April, 2017

Patrasenko V.A. Towards the problem of gender markedness of advertising texts lexis (based on german media texts)

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Novikova A.A., Maleevа A.A. Influence of the Internet on the formation of gender stereotypes in adolescents

July, 2013

Podolskay O.A., Klokova A.V. Peculiarities of social behavior of boys and girls of preschool age in the role-playing game

May, 2014

Krylova M.N. Gender aspect in the professional the training of future pedagogues

January, 2015

Letyagina S.C., Gainutdinova I.R. Social and psychological aspects of organizational loyalty employees signonomicheskih types of occupations

March, 2015

Kulakova T.V. Personality descriptions of leaders as research object

October, 2015

Prokudina O.O. Intrapersonal gender conflict: causes and resolution

July, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Podolskay O.A. Features of social behavior of children of the advanced preschool age

January, 2015