Vilisova Anna Sergeevna
Ural State University of Economics

The article considers forecast estimates of the development of the land market of the Sverdlovsk region.

Article reference:
Vilisova A.S. Forecast estimates of the development of the land market in the Sverdlovsk Region // Economics and innovations management. 2017. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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The development of the Sverdlovsk region till 2030 is being implemented in the following areas:

-development of housing and communal services;

-increase of investment attractiveness of the Sverdlovsk region;

-development of agro-industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk region, etc.

The implementation of the directions of social-economic policy of the Sverdlovsk region for 2016 – 2030. “the Development of housing and communal services” are the provision of conditions for increase of availability of habitation for the population with different levels of income, improving the quality of housing and communal services, comprehensive modernization of housing and utilities infrastructure.

The main tasks to achieve these objectives [1, p. 11]:

1) to promote the integrated development of the territory and built-up area development for housing construction on the basis of the approved planning documentation;

2) elimination of emergency and dilapidated housing;

3) stimulating the introduction of innovative energy – saving technologies in housing construction and housing and utilities sector;

4) promote the introduction of modern, energy efficient and resource saving technologies in manufacture of building materials used in housing construction;

5) a comprehensive modernization of municipal infrastructure, ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of its functioning;

6) stimulate private investment in the housing sector;

7) creation of conditions for effective implementation of the fuel supply housing and communal complex;

8) improving the efficiency of housing management and accessibility of information on the activities of management companies;

9) creation of conditions for improvement of professional skill of workers of housing and communal services.

For the decision of tasks in view the following aims are implemented in the framework of the state program of the Sverdlovsk region projects: “Affordable housing for families in the Urals”; “Development of housing and communal services”. The expected results of these projects are [1, p. 11]:

1) increase the level of housing from 24.4 square meters per person in 2014 to 31.6 square meters per person in 2030;

2) decrease the values of the coefficient of housing affordability (ratio of average market cost of standard apartment a total area of 54 square meter in the primary market and the average annual total cash income of a family consisting of three people) from 2.8 years in 2014 to 2 years in 2030;

3) increasing the share of secured affordable and comfortable housing for families in the total number of families wishing to improve their living conditions, from 36.4 % in 2014 to 70% in 2030;

4) reducing the proportion of the area of the premises, recognized until 1 January 2015, unfit for habitation and (or) with a high level of wear of total area housing stock, with 2 % in 2014 to 1 % in 2030;

5) reduce wear and tear on municipal infrastructure from 58% in 2014 to 54.6 % in 2030;

6) increase private investment in the housing sector with a 9 billion in 2014 to 13.6 billion in 2030;

7) increase the proportion of workers of housing and communal services, past training, in the total number of workers of housing and communal sector from 3% in 2014 to 8% in 2030;

8) increased volume of shipped products by activity within the class “Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products” in accordance with Federal law, establishing the classification of types of economic activity, with 63.6 billion rubles. in 2014 to 116 billion rubles in 2030.

The development of housing and housing and communal services will lead to high demand from developers Sverdlovsk region land, because the population will create more affordable conditions for the purchase of their own homes.

The purpose of realization of directions of social-economic policy of the Sverdlovsk region for 2016 – 2030. “Increase of investment appeal of Sverdlovsk region” is to ensure favorable conditions for attracting into the economy of Sverdlovsk region, Russian and foreign investors. The main objectives to achieve this goal are [1, p. 17]:

1) support for the creation of engineering infrastructure, improve accessibility for different categories of entrepreneurs and investors, involvement of Russian and foreign investors;

2) development of tools to support investors;

3) support of investment projects implemented (planned to implement) on the territory of Sverdlovsk region, according to the principle of “one window”;

4) increased use of information technologies when providing the state and municipal services;

5) effective promotion on the Russian and international levels of the Sverdlovsk region as an investment – attractive territory;

6) maintenance of a unified database of investment projects implemented (planned to implement) on the territory of Sverdlovsk region, the implementation of support of subjects of investment activities in accordance with the priorities of such support relevant to the development of Sverdlovsk region. On the solution of the tasks aimed to be implemented within the state program of the Sverdlovsk region project “Best conditions for doing business”.

Expected results of this project are [1, p. 18]:

1) maintaining the share of investment in fixed capital in gross regional product at the level of 23.5 %;

2) the increase in the share of foreign direct investments into the economy of Sverdlovsk region in the total volume of direct foreign investments into economy of the Russian Federation from 1% in 2014 to 2 % in 2030;

3) finding the Sverdlovsk region in the top five of Russian regions by volume of investments in fixed capital.

Increase of investment appeal of Sverdlovsk region will attract new investors to the land market for construction of new facilities.

The implementation of the directions of social-economic policy of the Sverdlovsk region for 2016 – 2030 “development of the agroindustrial complex of Sverdlovsk area” are the sustainable development of agriculture and ensuring food security in Sverdlovsk region. The main tasks to achieve these objectives [1, p. 22]:

1) the increase in the share of consumption of agricultural products and food industry products produced on the territory of Sverdlovsk region, the total consumption of agricultural products and food industry products;

2) increase of investment appeal of rural territories;

3) increase of efficiency of functioning of agro-industrial complex and the competitiveness of agribusiness organizations;

4) assistance to development of small forms of managing in countryside, private households. On the solution of the tasks aimed to be implemented within the state program of the Sverdlovsk region the project “Development of agroindustrial complex”.

Expected results of this project are [1, p. 23]:

1) increase the security of Sverdlovsk region products of own production: meat and meat products from 55.3 % in 2014 to 72% in 2030; milk and dairy products from 60.3 % in 2014 to 80% in 2030; vegetables from 39.2 % in 2014 to 44% in 2030;

2) increase output agriculture with 65.9 billion in 2014 to 95.3 billion in 2030;

3) increase output of food industry from 88.2 billion RUB in 2014 to 134,1 billion in 2030;

4) increase in labor productivity in agriculture from 1.6 billion in 2014 to 2.8 billion in 2030;

5) increase in labor productivity in the food industry with 3.4 million rubles. per person in 2014 to 5.4 million rubles. per person in 2030..

Development of agro-industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk region will lead to a greater need of agricultural land and will follow the development of rural territories of Sverdlovsk region.

So, we can draw the following conclusions:

The development of the Sverdlovsk region till 2030 is being implemented in the following areas:

-development of housing and communal services;

-increase of investment attractiveness of the Sverdlovsk region;

-development of agro-industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk region, etc.

The development of housing and housing and communal services will lead to high demand from developers Sverdlovsk region land, because the population will create more affordable conditions for the purchase of their own homes.

Increase of investment appeal of Sverdlovsk region will attract new investors to the land market for construction.

Development of agro-industrial complex of the Sverdlovsk region will lead to a greater need of agricultural land and will follow the development of rural territories of Sverdlovsk region.


  1. О стратегии социально-экономического развития Свердловской области на 2016 – 2030 годы [Электронный ресурс]: Закон Свердловской области от 21.12.2015 г. № 151– ОЗ – Доступ из справочно-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс». – Режим доступа:

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