Lymoreva Olga Alexandrova1, Shaev Timur Raulevich2
1Kuban State University, Associate Professor, PhD, Department of Applied Economics and Management staff
2Kuban State University, 3rd year student of the Department of World Economics and Management

Relevance of the work that is available to the Russian situation, connected with changes in the spheres of economy and politics carries both opportunities and threats for all workers. Human resource management in such conditions is particularly important: it helps to compile and implement the issues of human adaptation to the environment, take into account the personal nature-sticks in the creation of human resource management schemes.
Purpose: To investigate the development of strategic HRM, analyzed weaknesses, trends and prospects. Tasks: - define the essence of the concept of human resources; - To study the practical management of human resources in the reality today's market; - Identify changes in the management of human capital theory; - Examine the evolution of doctrine and practice of human RESOURCES; - Identify the main problems associated with the development of HRM.

Keywords: cadre management, human capital, human resource management, labor intellectualization, personnel management, rationalization of labor, workforce management

Article reference:
Development of HR in organizations in Russia: problems, trends, prospects // Economics and innovations management. 2016. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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