Biserova Nadezhda1, Veynina Victoria1, Gevorgyan Zepyur1
1Ural State University of Economics, 2nd year student of the master's program "Economy of the company"

In economics, there is still no consensus on the nature of the relationship between economic growth and inequality that generates a large number of studies on this issue.
The study is aimed at assessing the impact of the level of inequality on growth. Identify different factors that determine the nature of this influence. High levels of inequality prevents uniform distribution of both material and financial resources among the population. As a result of socio-economic inequality hinders the expansion of effective demand, affecting the upward trend of GDP, investment is reduced, and consequently, a decrease in economic growth. At the same time, the low level of inequality reduces the incentive to the development of market actors.

Article reference:
Inequality and Growth: Pros and Cons // Economics and innovations management. 2016. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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