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Zaitseva Irina Vladimirovna1, Kameneva Vera Vladimirovna2
1Saint-Petersburg University of civil aviation, Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of chair «Economics»
2Pacific National University, Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of chair «Economics and transport management»
1Saint-Petersburg University of civil aviation, Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of chair «Economics»
2Pacific National University, Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of chair «Economics and transport management»
The article considers issues of improvements in customer service quality in hospitality industry. A major problem within staffing - high turnover of staff - is revealed. Classification of its reasons is given. The problem highlights a need for optimization of personnel selection for its further successful adaptation. Beside other issues, the article calls attention to professional competences and personal characteristics of the personnel in compliance with requirements of service quality and the process of modeling an exemplary employee.
Keywords: competences, hospitality, model of an exemplary employee, personnel
Article reference:
In regard to staffing solutions in hospitality industry // Economics and innovations management. 2014. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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