Статьи на языке «English»

Вилисова А.С. Прогнозные оценки развития земельного рынка Свердловской области

№ 11 Ноябрь 2017

Бурцева Т.А. Industrial parks as a mechanism of attracting investments: experience and problems of implementation in the regions of Russia

№ 11 Ноябрь 2017

Батырова Н.Т. Problems of development and ways to improve tourism in Kazakhstan

№ 2 Февраль 2018

Балалаева Е.Ю. Classical roots in popular brand names

№ 8 Август 2019

Васильева М.А. Modern theoretical and methodological approaches of foreign researchers to the study of core competence

№ 1 Январь 2020

Балалаева Е.Ю. Economy, business and finance in the taxonomy Media Topic

№ 2 Ноябрь 2021

Вакулик И.И. Implementation of world experience in the regulation of international trade of Ukraine

№ 3 Декабрь 2021

Исмаилова Э.М.к. Assessment of the dependence of countries on the European Union on the Caspasian region in the conditions of globalization

№ 8 Август 2022

Кришнан Э.Р., Ананд Д., Тошпулотов А.А. Research of financial strategy development mechanisms

№ 3 Март 2023