Author: Лебедева Татьяна Евгеньевна

Information about author:
ФГБОУ ВПО Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина
Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры инновационных технологий менеджмента

Articles of the author in journal «Economics and innovations management»

Принципы управления технологическим развитием промышленных предприятий

№ 4 April 2015

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Lebedeva T.E. Stress management professionals working in the field of service and tourism

November, 2014

Lebedeva T.E. Opportunities to increase the effectiveness of professional management "learning organization"

January, 2015

Lebedeva T.E., Mozgaleva M.A. Marketing research of life of travel agencies in times of crisis

May, 2015

Bulganina S.V., Lebedeva T.E. Market analysis of the of language services of Nizhny Novgorod

October, 2016

Golubeva O.V., Lebedeva T.E. Independent work of students: management and performance reasons

November, 2016

Zubareva N.A., Lebedeva T. Spain: preferences russian tourists

December, 2016

Lebedeva T.E., Golubeva O.V. Social and psychological support and adaptation of personnel through the optimization of socio-psychological climate in the organization

December, 2016

Lebedeva T.E., Tsapina T.N. Analysis and proposals for the management of material resources of the metal-sales company

April, 2017