Razumovskii Aleksandr Evgenyevich
Tver State University
postgraduate student, Department of Political Science

This article presents the the author's vision of normative principal (conceptual) side of the neocommunism (means streamlined communism). The article describes the discursive core of the neocommunism, markes it`s position into structure of political methods and approaches.

Keywords: communism, socialism, socio-economic development

Article reference:
The concept of the neocommunism // Economics and innovations management. 2016. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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Neocommunism is a political economy teaching, which consider the philosophical and legal regulation of social and economic organization of the country and society. Neocommunism declares establishing of the sane and fair society as it`s first paramount objective, by creation of a whole thought-out system of a country according with sustainable economic development (calculation of environmental costs, including the long-term perspective), the elimination of exploitation relations (unequal exchange) within the legally relevant moral principles of religions (Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity), organization of economic cycles in the most optimal and efficient manner. The thought-out economic system means: 1) high degree of autarky not to the prejudice of economic growth (including total food, technologically-strategic, machine tool, military-strategic, medical autarky and acceptance of a fact, that exactly innovations (and also fruitful creativity at the field of philosophy, science, education and microeconomic level) are the main driving force of development); 2) close-fitting interrelation of civil industry and military-industrial complex; 3) regulating of economic sectors and branches by a State Planning Commission and intersectoral balance; 4) deliberated balance of the protectionism policy and technologically-dumping mercantilism; 5) expediently-valuable diversification of a cashable products and services [1].

The most fundamental economic cycles are so-called industrial consumption cycles, after that, such cycles are going: Kondratieff cycles, Kuznets cycles, Juglar cycles, Kitchin cycles. The organization of economic cycles in the most optimal (but not only economically efficient) manner means postulating of a high level of the living standards (which must provide high aesthetic, morally-ethical, spiritual, intellectual and idea potentials with high HDI), enough level of life (which must support further demographical growth of the nation and a possibility for realization of entrepreneurial initiative of civilians by voluntary application of a competence and financial resources to the establishing of affiliated organizations and investing in a public-mutual funds and securities).

Neocommunism postulates the necessary of creating of worthy working conditions and salary, hierarchically centralized concentration of economic resources (the imperative key parameter of interlayer economic control is a profit rate), reduction non-production expenses in distribution to a minimum (especially commercial) without ignoring a satisfaction of spiritually-aesthetical and intellectual needs of a nation, forming conditions for creating and intercalation high-technology innovations, creating expanded reproduction of goods [2].

Neocommunism affirms 5 main types of property: state ownership, communitarian property, family, personal, intellectual. A state ownership is divided into: national, ownership of special administrative regions, regional, municipal. Communitarian type of property is divided into: public-mutual funds (in case of affiliate type – private property) and property of public organizations, which don`t have production or commercial orientation. In case, if we have affiliate type – it has it`s own financial balance, if no – it has a part, which specific gravity in a volume of shares is specific for every economic branch and sector, but any way – must not engross a control share.

Neocommunism makes prohibition to the parasitism, privatization of a state ownership (which is out of minority stake), capital outflow (also in the form of offshore organizations, bank account and deposit in a foreign country), speculative activity. Neocommunism affirms the necessity to redistribute some part of a private property on compensatory bases [3].

Neocommunism is the open and synthetic stream, which consider traditional communistic values as supreme (after the values of conservatism and closely connected to it other streams). Traditional communistic values are: non-availability of exploitation as the first condition for the consummation of a social harmony, production and productivity as the base of life support, work as an augmenting of goods and possibility for self-realization (with accepting of fact, that leisure is also necessary for self-development and self-realization), concentration of a capital and collectivism as the best form of organization, nationally overall (but not total) state planning and governance of economy. Neocommunism does not ignore values, provided by other teachings, but organically weave them in it`s canvas. Neocommunism is not the dogmatic teaching, but svelte, measured, organic theory for practice, which is ready to support a dialog and start controversy with other streams and teachings. Neocommunism justify reforms as a possibility for institutional renovation.

Neocommunism is the postmodern stream, which core is an archiomodern (under archaic is considering traditional culture and communism, which historically prove it`s viability (with deduction of “childhood diseases of leftism”)), and to which is characteristically weaving into it`s canvas a lot of other modern streams, including the theory of social wealth [4].

From a scientific point of view, neocommunism is more relative to the approach, but not to the method. Such political methods and approaches as discourse analysis, constitutionalism, functionalism and institutionalism are preceded from the scientific point of view to the neocommunism. Moreover, although neocommunism consider itself as a leading political economy stream, but does not consider itself as the main teaching of all social and humanitarian sciences. From the value-hierarchical view of a structure of being, neocommunism concede it`s subordination to: a) to the conservatism, primordialism, civilizational approach, etatism, traditionalism (which are much more cyclically-stationary) at the domestic policy; b) to the transnational approach, geopolitics and neorealism at the foreign policy. The most conceptual documents here (after Constitution), which must integrate these approaches according with a challenges and threats of the current and future (due to prognosis) epochs, are: The Conception of the National Idea and National Dream; The Conception of the National Development and National Security.

Neocommunism insists on it`s reasonableness, rightness and justice. That`s why neocommunism insists also on the multiparty system (Communist Party represents by itself a quorum), which is balanced by a National Council of People’s Representatives (which have collegial role in a specific professional questions). The question of a selection and rotation of a cadre is a specific question, which must be scrutinized at the first order, because situated at the field of institution of a power [5].

Applying of the principle of separation of powers with a principle of shared responsibility is the axiom. The government transparency principle is also.

Neocommunism is not especially utilitarian stream, but accept the importance of aesthetics and connected with it religious feeling. Although, does not exaggerate their importance. It`s guided by Taoist-Buddhist-Confucian and Christian eudemonism, emphasizes the importance of sufficiency (moderately prosperous society) and converting capital to the floating capital, but not accumulation of matter luxury (which is, although, permissible). Neocommunism also emphasizes the importance of logistics and recycling (but not only the importance of productive forces, which are the main force of economic growth (innovations is the main force of a social and economic development and it must be maintained a balance of productive forces and social development (with different useful innovations)), the importance of government employees and businessmen (but not only the importance of industrial and agrarian sectors) in producing as creators of powered trajectories, the importance of intelligentsia, scientists and lecturers as creators of technologies and HDI. Neocommunism postulates the necessity to institutionalize a tertiary sector of the economy according to the spirit and principles of the neocommunism.

According to the neocommunism, the institution of power serves the root interests of the broad masses of the people altogether, which segmented by estate criterion (but not only by a property qualification): officials and party workers, security forces, intelligentsia and scientists, business, workers of a manual labour, unemployed (students and vacationers).

According to expounded here model, business is organic and not separated, and have a possibility for managing also at not affiliated type due to the principle of collegiality in organization of a public-mutual funds.

Neocommunism is trying to establish a social harmony (but not eliminate antagonistic relationship and level a social structure) and find a social compromise between interests of different social groups, which are led to a common denominator – quality of life and the economic growth.

Neocommunism does not conduce the erasing of ethnic difference. In opposition to it, communitarian type of property conduce involving of individuals into national community (national borders are often the same as ethnical). Neocommunism is against of transnational companies.

Neocommunism is not a fascism theory. In spite of economical etatism, neocommunism value creativity at the microeconomic level and also provide a mechanism and procedure of initiative support by the permission (the procedure of matching) and by assertion (the procedure of consideration).

This theory of neocommunism is near to the state corporatism. And a bit near to the so-called theory of organized capitalism, but the difference is that the share of communitarian and private property is legislatively restricted at the neocommunism.

At the ontological level, expounded theory represents by itself a dualistic monad of the economical “visible” and “invisible hand”. The “visible” hand of economy is accepted as a primary and more important, than market liberalism and “invisible hand”.

The main principles of the neocommunism in brief:

-          establishing of a sane and fair society;

-          creation of a whole thought-out system of a country according with sustainable economic development;

-          economic forces must be organized according to the level of a social and economic  development;

-          the elimination of exploitation relations (unequal exchange) within the legally relevant moral principles of religions (Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity);

-          organization of economic cycles in the most optimal and efficient manner;

-          high degree of autarky not to the prejudice of economic growth (including total food, technologically-strategic, machine tool, military-strategic, medical autarky and acceptance of a fact, that exactly innovations (and also fruitful creativity at the field of philosophy, science, education and microeconomic level) are the main driving force of development);

-          close-fitting interrelation of civil industry and military-industrial complex;

-          the regulating of economic sectors and branches by a State Planning Commission and intersectoral balance;

-          prohibition to the parasitism, privatization of a state ownership (which is out of minority stake), capital outflow (also in the form of offshore organizations, bank account and deposit in a foreign country), speculative activity;

-          deliberated balance of the protectionism policy and technologically-dumping mercantilism;

-          expediently-valuable diversification of a cashable products and services;

-          the constitutional declaring of a such values as: non-availability of exploitation as the first condition for the consummation of a social harmony, production and productivity as the base of life support, work as an augmenting of goods and possibility for self-realization (with accepting of fact, that leisure is also necessary for self-development and self-realization), concentration of a capital and collectivism as the best form of organization, nationally overall (but not total) state planning and governance of economy;

-          creating of worthy working conditions and salary, hierarchically centralized concentration of economic resources (the imperative key parameter of interlayer economic control is a profit rate), reduction non-production expenses in distribution to a minimum (especially commercial) without ignoring a satisfaction of spiritually-aesthetical and intellectual needs of a nation, forming conditions for creating and intercalation high-technology innovations, creating expanded reproduction of goods;

-          the multiparty system (Communist Party represents by itself a quorum), which is balanced by a National Council of People’s Representatives;

-          the principle of separation of powers with a principle of shared responsibility;  the government transparency principle;

-          legislative fixation of a 5 types of property: state, communitarian (with a private as a part), family, personal, intellectual;

-          providing the mechanism of initiative support by the procedures of a permission (the procedure of matching) and assertion (the procedure of consideration);

-          high real (budget revenues are formed mostly due to primary, secondary, and quaternary sectors of the economy) GDP (also per capita) due to high profitability and productivity, low energy intensity;

-          needs are divided into: human, production; basic division of work by professional, age and gender criteria (without discrimination);

-          proportion of a current preferably technical way at different economic sectors and branches, the calculation of the current preferably of the proportions of the economy,  current preferably production capacities (and as a sequence – time for leisure);

-          the national (central) bank is a state structure, which is submitted to the ministry of economic development;

-          low level of inflation, half direct public investment policy.

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